赵荣达,男,1981 年生,辽宁海城人,博士,教授,硕士生导师,辽宁省百千万人才工程万人层次,2020年入选辽宁省教育厅高等学校创新人才中国热处理学会理事,辽宁省热处理学会常务理事,《材料工程》和《航空材料学报》青年编委,辽宁省高校创新团队的骨干成员,新能源材料与器件专业负责人、教研室主任,Additive Manufacturing,  Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Frontiers Chemistry, materials letters,  Materials Today Communications等期刊审稿人。主要从事铝合金、非晶、高熵合金以及新能源材料的制备及性能的研究。主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目等各类国家和省部级科研项目10余项,产学研合作项目4项,累计科研进款200余万元。在 Journal of materials science & technology, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Scripta  Materialia, Materials Science and Engineering A, Dalton TransactionsSustainable Materials and Technologies等国内外际期刊上累计发表论文70余篇,其中SCI检索论文56篇,中科院一区TOP 6篇,中科院分区二区及以上14篇,SCI引用589次,获国家发明专利4项。获辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖,锦州市自然科学学术成果奖一等奖等多个奖项,参编教材2

课题组主页: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/zhao_rongda

Ø 教育及工作经历

2000.09-2004.07     辽宁工程技术大学材料科学与工程专业获工学学士

2004.09-2007.04     辽宁工程技术大学材料学专业获工学硕士

2007.04-2012.04     哈尔滨工业大学材料学专业获工学博士

2012.04-2014.11     新莆京73990(中国)股份有限公司讲师

2014.12-2019.08     新莆京73990(中国)股份有限公司副教授

2019.09-2020.09     奥地利科学院ESI金属材料研究所国家公派访问学者

2020.10-2020.11     新莆京73990(中国)股份有限公司副教授

2020.12~至今       新莆京73990(中国)股份有限公司教授

Ø 学术荣誉

1. 2020年入选“辽宁省教育厅高等学校创新人才”

2. 辽宁省百千万人才万层次

3. 辽宁省自然学术成果奖三等奖

4. 锦州市自然学术成果奖一等奖

Ø 研究方向

1. 新能源电池、电极材料的制备与性能表征

2. 亚稳材料的制备与性能表征

3. 铝合金及其复合材料的制备与性能表征

Ø 科研课题

1. 国家自然科学青年基金:基于调幅分解与有序化的Fe-24Al-X三元合金纳米组织设计与控制,2015.01-2017.12, 25, 主持;

2. 辽宁省科技厅,自然科学基金项目,2019-MS-171,汽车空调涡旋盘材料与成型工艺的研究,2019.092022.09, 5, 主持;

3. 辽宁省教育厅,高等学校创新人才项目,2020.012022.12, 10万,主持;

4. 辽宁省教育厅一般项目:基于调幅分解与有序化共存的铁基高强韧纳米合金研究,2013.012016.01, 3万,主持;

5. 辽宁省教育厅一般项目,LJKMZ20220959铁基非晶合金的表面微纳结构调控及电催化性能研究2022.092024.09, 3万,主持;

6. 横向项目, 20230005, 宠物除臭催化剂评价与开发, 2023.012023.10,  26.2万,主持;

7. 横向项目, 20230013阻垢合金的阻垢机理研究, 2023.032023.11,  31.4万,主持;

8. 横向项目, 20230113, 加湿器组件水垢残留改善技术开发, 2023.082024.0129.5, 主持;

9. 横向项目, 20230157, 宠物除臭催化剂对比评价, 2023.092023.12, 5.4, 主持;

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51971106,非晶合金层状复合材料塑性稳定性的微观机制研究、2020/012023/12,参与, 60万;

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51571106,应力诱导马氏体相变增韧铜锆基金属玻璃复合材料大弹性变形行为的微观机制研究、2016/012019/12,参与,60万;

12. 辽宁省科技厅重点研发计划项目,2017221004 高性能铝合金及连铸连锻一体化装备研究与开发, 2017.11至今, 参与,51.6万;

13. 辽宁省教育厅创新团队, 亚稳材料的制备与应用, 2020.11至今, 参与,15万;

14. 辽宁省自然科学基金项目,2015020244,塑性预变形相变增韧非晶合金复合材料的超弹性力学行为研究、2015/072018/07,参与,  10万;

15. 辽宁省自然科学基金,2019-MS-320,双原子掺杂硅酸镧的自由氧/间隙氧共传输性能研究,2021.092023.09,参与, 5万;

16. 辽宁省教育厅,高等学校基本科研项目(面上项目):SZnWO4/CsPbBr3异质结的可见光驱动CO2还原性能研究,2021.09-2013.085万,参与;

17. 辽宁省教育厅,高等学校基本科研项目(面上项目):应变和组分优化下的类钙钛矿型钴氧化物B位离子转移研究2021.09-2013.085万,参与;

18. 辽宁省揭榜挂帅项目, 20220043, 新型超级电容器的产业化应用研究, 2023.012023.10,  30万,参与;

Ø 代表性论文及专利

1. Wen-Duo Yang, Rong-Da Zhao(*), Fang-Yu Guo(*), Jun Xiang, Sroeurb Loy, Liang Liu, Jia-Yu Dai, Fu-Fa Wu. Interface engineering of hybrid ZnCo2O4@Ni2.5Mo6S6.7 structures for flexible energy storage and alkaline water splitting. Chemical Engineering Journal, 4542023140458. (SCI, IF=16.744, 中科院一区TOP, SCI引用16 )

2. Wen-Duo Yang, Rong-Da Zhao(*), Jun Xiang, Sroeurb Loy, Yi-Fei Di, Jia Li, Mei-Ting Li, Dong-Mei Ma, Fu-Fa Wu. 3D hierarchical ZnCo2S4@Ni(OH)2 nanowire arrays with excellent flexible energy storage and electrocatalytic performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 626(2022) 866-878. (SCI, IF=9.965, 中科院一区TOP,  SCI引用23)

3. Wen-Duo Yang, Jun Xiang, Rong-Da Zhao(*), Sroeurb Loy, Mei-Ting Li, Dong-Mei Ma, Jia Li, Fu-Fa Wu(*). Nanoengineering of ZnCo2O4@CoMoO4 heterogeneous structures for supercapacitor and water splitting applications. Ceramics International, 2023, 49(3) 4422-4434. (SCI, IF=5.532中科院一区TOP,  SCI引用16)

4. T. Zhang, R.D. Zhao, F.F. Wu, S.B. Lin, S.S. Jiang, Y.J. Huang, S.H. Chen, J. Eckert, Transformation-enhanced strength and ductility in a FeCoCrNiMn dual phase high-entropy alloy Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 780 (2020) 139182. (SCI, IF=5.234, 中科院一区TOP, SCI引用43)

5. Rongda Zhao(*), Duo Cui, Jinqiu Dai, Jun Xiang, Fufa Wu. Morphology Controllable NiCo2O4 Nanostructure for Excellent Energy Storage Device and Overall Water Splitting. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 24(2020)e00151. (SCI, IF=10.681, 中科院二区,SCI引用43)

6. Duo Cui, Rongda Zhao(*), Jinqiu Dai, Jun Xiang, Fufa Wu. A hybrid NiCo2O4@NiMoO4 structure for overall water splitting and excellent hybrid energy storage. Dalton Transactions, 4920209668(SCI, IF=4.390, 中科院二区,SCI引用31)

7. Rongda Zhao(*),Duo Cui, Hua-Ping Sheng, Christoph Gammer, Fu-Fa Wu, Jun Xiang, Core-shell structured NiCo2O4@Ni(OH)2 nanomaterials with high specific capacitance for hybrid capacitors, Ionics, 2021,27(3) 1369-1376 (SCI, IF=2.817, 中科院三区,SCI引用6)

8. Ke-Yan Wang, Jun Xiang,  Rong-Da Zhao*, Jin-Liang Bi, Xiao-Feng Wu, Ming-Hua Chen, Fu-Fa Wu*,  Jürgen Eckert, Microstructure refinement and enhancetensile properties of Al-11Mg2Si alloy modified by erbium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 860(1): 158421. (SCI, IF=5.316,中科院二区TOP,  SCI引用8)

9. Ke-Yan Wang, Rong-Da Zhao, Fu-Fa Wu, Xiao-Feng Wu, Ming-Hua Chen, Jun Xiang, Shun-Hua Chen. Improving microstructure and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-Mg2Si alloy by Gd addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 813(1) 152178. (SCI, IF=5.316, 中科院二区TOP,  SCI引用20)

10. Sroeurb Loy, Jun Xiang(*), Wen-Duo Yang, Yi-Fei Di, Rong-Da Zhao(*), Fu-Fa Wu(*), Dong-Mei Ma, Mei-Ting Li, Jia Li. 3D hierarchical flower-like MnCo2O4@NiO nanosheet arrays for enhanced-performance asymmetric supercapacitors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 922 (2022) 166286. (SCI, IF=6.371, 中科院二区TOP,  SCI引用15)

11. Yifei Di, Jun Xiang(*), Nan Bu, Sroeurb Loy, Wenduo Yang, Rongda Zhao(*), Fufa Wu(*), Xiaobang Sun, Zhihui Wu. Sophisticated Structural Tuning of NiMoO4@MnCo2O4 Nanomaterials for High Performance Hybrid Capacitors. Nanomaterials, 12(2022)1674. (SCI, IF=5.719, 中科院二区)

12. Nan Bu , Jun Xiang(*), Sroeurb Loy , Wen-Duo Yang , Yi-Fei Di , Rong-Da Zhao(*), Fu-Fa Wu (*), Dong-Mei Ma , Mei-Ting Li , Jia Li. Preparation of three-dimensional Co3O4@NiMoO4 nanorods as electrode materials for supercapacitors. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 288(2022)126419. (SCI,IF=4.778,中科院三区)

13. Di, YF, Zhao, RD , Xiang, J, Meng, XS, Wu, FF , Li, J. Effect of urea and ammonium fluoride ratio on CuCo2S4/NF as a highly efficient HER catalyst. RSC ADVANCES, 2023,13(41)28713-28728.(SCI, IF=3.9,中科院三区)

14. Song Shi, Jun Xiang(*), Sroeurb Loy, Xiang Sen Meng, Wen Duo Yang, Rong Da Zhao(*),  Fu Fa Wu(*),  Dong Mei Ma1, Mei Ting Li, Jia Li. Electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction of controllable self assembled CuCo2O4.Ionics, 28(2022) 4381.

15. Ji, Guo ning, Xiang, Jun, Wei, Jing song; Chen, Ming hua , Zhao, Rong da , Wu, Xiao feng ,Chen, Shun hua , Wu, Fu fa. Enhancement of tensile plastic stability of Ti-based metallic glass composite with substrate of titanium alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 920 (2022) 165916. (SCI, IF=6.371, 中科院二区TOP)

16.  Guo-NingJi, Jun Xiang, Rong-Da Zhao, Fu-Fa Wu, Shun-Hua Chen. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NixFeCoCrAl high-entropy alloys. Materials Today Communications, 32 (2022) 103919. (SCI,IF=3.622, 中科院三区)

17. Duo Cui, Rongda Zhao(*), Jun Xiang, Fufa Wu, Lijun Xin, Yue Zhang, Shengnan Ma. Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of NiCo2O4 Nanoneedles. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2020, 15(2)164-170. (SCI, IF=0.961)

18. Rongda Zhao(*), Jinqiu Dai, and Fufa Wu. Synthesis of NiCo2O4@MnO2 Core-Shell Arrays for High Performance Energy Storage. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2020, 15(2)171-178.(SCI, IF=0.961)

19. Rongda Zhao(*), Jinqiu Dai, Duo Cui, Jun Xiang, Fufa Wu. CTAB decorated SnO2 nanosheet assembled micro-flowersfor photocatalysts. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(10)105085. (SCI, IF=1.929, SCI引用3)

20. Jinqiu Dai, Rongda Zhao(*), Jun Xiang, Fufa Wu, Lijun Xin, Yue Zhang, Shengnan Ma. Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis and Their Electrochemical Performance of NiCo2O4 Nanosheets. Science of Advanced Materials, 2019,11(3):379-385. (SCI, IF=1.474, SCI引用6)

21. Rongda Zhao(*), Fu-Fa Wu, Xin Liu, Jingchuan Zhu, Zuo-Fu Zhao.First-principles study of Mn alloying into Fe3AlC: Towards the improvement of ductility. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 681(1) :283-292 (SCI, IF=4.65, SCI引用5)

22. Rongda Zhao, Jingchuan Zhu, Yong Liu, Zhonghong Lai. The phase field investigation of B2 (FeAl) phase antisite defect during homogenous transformation of Fe-24Al alloy. Journal of material science 47(2012):3376-3382 (SCI, IF=3.553, SCI引用4)

23. Rongda Zhao, Jingchuan Zhu, Zhonghong Lai, Yong Liu. Effect of elastic interaction energy on the spinodal decomposition and later coarsening stage in Fe-20%Mo alloys. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2013, 33(5)429-435. (SCI, IF=1.197, SCI引用1)

24. Rongda Zhao, Jingchuan Zhu, Yong Liu, Zhonghong Lai. First-principles study of FeAl(B2) microalloyed with La, Ac, Sc and Y. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 2012, 61(13)137102(SCI, IF=1.2, SCI引用10)

25. Rongda Zhao(*), Jingchuan Zhu, Zhonghong Lai, Yong Liu. Formation of nanometer coherent structures during spinodal decomposition and ordering coexistence phase transformation in Fe-24Al alloys. J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.), 2012, 17(4):461-464.(EI)

26. 赵荣达,朱景川,来忠红,刘勇. 非均匀弹性能作用下Fe-Al合金匀相转变动力学的微观相场研究. 稀有金属材料与工程, 41(2012):206-209.

27. 赵荣达,来忠红,李飞,朱景川,张宝友. Fe-23Al合金有序畴表征和形成机制研究. 稀有金属材料与工程, 41(2012):628-631.

28. Jingchuan Zhu, Rongda Zhao, Chengwen Jiang, Zhonghong Lai. Effect of aging temperature on modulated structures of 00Ni12Cr5Mo3TiAlV maraging steel. Materials Science and Engineering A,2009,516:201-204.

29. Hong-Quan Chen, Jun Xiang, Rong-Da Zhao, Yan Guo, Sroeurb Loy, Fu-Fa Wu, Shun-Hua Chen, ZnS/NiCo2S4 arrays on nickel foam as an energy storage for supercapacitor, Ionics, 2021,27(2) 867-874(SCI, IF=2.394)

30. T. Zhang, L.J. Xin, F.F. Wu, R.D. Zhao, J. Xiang, M.H. Chen, S.S. Jiang, Y.J. Huang, S.H. Chen, Microstructure and mechanical properties of FexCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloys J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 35 (2019) 2331-2335. (SCI, IF=6.155SCI 引用55)

31. Xiao-Feng Wu, Ke-Yan Wang, Rong-Da Zhao, Fu-Fa Wu, Ming-hua Chen, Xiang Wu, Sheng-nan Ma, Yue Zhang. Simultaneous grain refinement and eutectic Mg2Si modification in hypoeutectic Al-11Mg2Si alloys by Sc addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 791(1) :402-410. (SCI, IF=4.65)

32. Xiao-Feng Wu, Yu Wang, Ke-Yan Wang, Rong-Da Zhao, Fu-Fa Wu. Enhanced mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-10Mg2Si cast alloys by Bi addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 767(1) :163-172. (SCI, IF=4.65)

33. Zhi-Sheng Nong, Jing-Chuan Zhu, Rong-Da Zhao. Prediction of structure and elastic properties of AlCrFeNiTi systemhigh entropy alloys. Intermetallics,86 (2017) 134-146 (SCI, IF=3.398)

34. Nong Zhi-Sheng, Cui Pu-cang, Zhu Jing-Chuan, Zhao Rong-Da. Alloying effects of V on stability, elastic and electronic properties of TiFe2 via first-principles calculations. J. Cent. South Univ. , 2017, 24(1)1551-1559 (SCI, IF=1.249)

35. Wu, F. F.Wei, J. S., Chan, K. C. Chen, S. H.Zhao, R. D.Zhang, G. A., Wu, X. F.Revealing homogeneous plastic deformation in dendrite-reinforced Ti-based metallic glass composites under tensionScientific Reports20177:42598. (SCI, IF=3.998)

36. Wu, F. F.Jiang, S. S.Zhao, R. D., Zhou Q., Zhang, G. A., Wu, X. F.Size-dependent plastic stability of Zr-based metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 646:272-278.(SCI, IF=4.652)

37. Wu, F. F.Jiang, S. S.Zhao, R. D., Wu, X. F., Zhang, G. APlastic stability of bimetals composed of Ti-based metallic glass composite and pure titaniumPhilosophical Magazine Letters, 2015, 95(6)350-357. (SCI, IF=0.836)

38. 赵荣达,赵作福,贾凯,刘昕,伍复发,郭林龙,薄海洋. 一种渗碳层热处理装置,中国专利, ZL201620082067.9(实用新型)

39. 武晓峰,伍复发,赵荣达,张广安. 一种Al-Mg2Si合金的变质及细化方法,中国专利,  ZL201810037556.6.(发明专利)

40. 张涛,辛立军,赵荣达,伍复发. 一种FeCoCrNiMn高熵合金及其制备方法,中国专利,  ZL201811324014.3.(发明专利)

41. 邸抑非,伍复发,赵荣达,相珺,马冬梅,李美葶,李佳. 一种新能源电池检测平台.(实用新型)

Ø 指导研究生情况

1. 王克研,2017级硕士,已毕业,目前在哈尔滨工业大学攻读博士学位,获辽宁工业大学万德奖学金,辽宁工业大学二等奖学金,发表学术论文5篇,SCI检索3篇,中科院二区以上3篇。

2. 代金秋,2017级硕士,已毕业,目前在长城集团的蜂巢能源科技有限公司从事电池研发工作,获辽宁工业大学一等奖学金,发表学术论文3篇, SCI检索3篇。

3. 崔铎,2018级硕士,已毕业,目前在北京七一八友益电子有限责任公司,从事电容器开发与设计工作,获国家奖学金,辽宁工业大学一等、二等奖学金,辽宁工业大学优秀硕士学位论文,发表学术论文4篇,SCI检索4篇,中科院二区以上2篇。

4. 毕金亮,2018级硕士,已毕业,目前在东北轻合金从事轻合金研发工作,获辽宁工业大学三等奖学金,发表学术论文2篇。

5. 刘晓珏,2019级硕士,已毕业,目前在北京外企工作。

6. 杨文铎,2019级硕士,已毕业,目前在东北大学攻读博士学位,获辽宁工业大学优秀硕士论文,国家奖学金,辽宁省优秀毕业生,辽宁工业大学一等奖学金,发表SCI检索论文4篇,其中中科院一区TOP论文三篇。

7. 李瑞宇,2021级硕士,在读。

8. 汪诗蓉,2021级硕士,在读。

9. 徐嵩林,2022级硕士,在读。

10. 田光润,2022级硕士,在读。

11. 张博尧,2023级硕士,在读。

12. 李鑫,2023级硕士,在读。

13. 田永琪,2023级硕士,在读。

Ø 研究生招生

